Download... .. debian-12.x.0-amd64-netinst.iso
Run Debian image and choose (setup in text mode)
then choose Language, use <Tab> and <Space> and then <Enter> to confirm your selection
next select your country, for Europe choose <other> then <Europe> and then your country
after this select default locale and configure the keyboard
Check and add your network settings and give the hostname for your server <server1>
then add your domain name <>
now create root password <password>
and new user and password
Now you need to format the disk, so use the default option and then select the disk and partition scheme as <All files in one partition>, confirm and press <Finish partitioning and write changes to disk>
after this basic system will be installed
By configure the package manager press <No> then select mirror country to download Debian software packages. Then follow the on-screen questions.
Now select the software you want to install. First disable <Debian desktop environment> and <... GNOME>, then select the web server, SSH server, and default system utilities.
Then install the GRUB bootloader and select your disk partition as </dev/sda>
and reboot your server.
After rebbot you can log in to your new system and install more software you need.
First install the OpenSSH server and net-tools
$ apt install ssh openssh-server
$ apt install net-tools
This package includes the important tools for the network. This includes programs as: arp, hostname, ifconfig, netstat, rarp, route.
SSH Root Login Configuration:
Enable SSH Root Login on Debian Linux Servers
If you try to connect to your server via SSH as root user without the proper configuration, you will receive a "Permission denied" error.
On Debian systems, the root password was configured during installation. If for some reason you need to update the root password, you can set or change it using the <passwd> command.
You will be prompted to enter your current root password, followed by the new root password you want to set.
This command updates the root password with a new password.
Edit SSH Configuration
Editing the SSH configuration file to allow root login. Open the sshd_config file with a text editor like pico.
$ pico /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Now you can change and enable the SSH port
Find line #Port 22 and then enable it
Port 22
Then in the configuration file, find the line that says #PermitRootLogin prohihit-password, add a new line below this line
PermitRootLogin yes
This line will allow the root user to log in via SSH.
If you try to connect and you get the following error:
Unable to negotiate with <your IP> port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: <... list of options.... diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,...> [preauth]
Reopen the SSH configuration file
$ pico /etc/ssh/sshd_config
And add these lines between the <# Logging> and <# Authentication> sections (change KexAlgorithms depending on your offer list in error message).
## NEW <your name> - <date>
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
Then save file and restart sshd.service
$ systemctl restart sshd.service
If any error check with command
$ journalctl -xeu ssh.service
install logrotate
apt install -y logrotate
You can also install midnight commander
$ apt install mc
then start with
$ mc
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