Split a comma delimited string and remove spaces - PHP

// Here must be also your IP...
 $UCWebmaster_ip = ", ,,";  // string array with spaces, and separated by comma
// use str_replace to remove spaces from string $UCWebmaster_ip
 $UCWebmaster_ip = str_replace(' ', '', $UCWebmaster_ip);

 // use explode to split strings in $UCWebmaster_ip array by comma
 $array = explode(',',$UCWebmaster_ip);

$allowIP = $array;
if (in_array ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allowIP)) {
   echo "your IP is here";
}  else {
   echo "your IP is NOT here";


echo " <br />";
echo var_dump($array);
echo " <br />";

explode — Split a string by string
implode — Join array elements with a string
str_replace — Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string